
AI for Everyone - The Course That Everyone Should Take

Muhammad A.


AI for Everyone is a course offered by on Coursera. It is a much-needed course as there are numerous myths and misconceptions found in society related to Artificial Intelligence. Andrew Ng, an adjunct professor at Stanford University and former head of the Google Brain team, tried his best to address these misconceptions. He explained two views related to AI i.e. narrow-view and broad-view. By the way, all progress AI has made so far comes under its narrow view.

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why everyone should learn Artificial Intelligence? well, the answer is quite simple. Artificial intelligence is impacting every walk of life whether it is economy, agriculture, governments or IT, Medicine, Robotics, etc.

source: Mckinsey Global Institute

AI is the new current — Andrew Ng

Why AI for Everyone is important for non-AI professionals? Well, it will provide insight into what one can expect from AI,t and thus AI will improve decision-making related to business growth and development.

What is in this course?

In this self-paced course, although it is divided into 4 weeks timeline, the instructor discusses various aspects of AI such as what is AI? How one can build AI projects? how an AI company could be built and How is it impacting society? Moreover, the course instructor has addressed the difference between similarities and dissimilarities between Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

Course Link: AI for Everyone

